Follow the steps below and start earning.

 1. Open an account at and make sure you register and follow the instructions, it is all free of charge.

2. You will find the following links, your dashboard, your channels, your earnings, and your account. 

Under your dashboard you will see your listed websites and get also more information regarding your account. You will see a detailed description of your earnings as soon as you do start earning money. The minimum payout and how many people has clicked on your websites adds. 

Under your channels link you will find the websites you have listed already and which do have adds on or not.  After you have created a channel, you will find on the right  5 links, the 1st one is "get the code embedded into your website" this link is propably the most important link of them all.  The next one is the colour settings, for the add on the site, manage excluded websites and lastly, delete this channel, which you would never want to do.  

The next link is your earnings, where you would be able to see clearly how much you have earned via your channels(advertisements on your websites which have been clicked on, or shown interest in). 

The next link is your account, where you can update your banking details etc. You must always make sure your banking details are fully up to date, otherwise some other person might just get lucky!

Now, how do I create a website, it is easy, there is plenty of free internet sites on the market, for example Here you can design your own website in no time at all! It is very efficient and doesn't take much effort. 

Now go to and create yourself a profile there as well, after you have created your account at When your account has been registered, go and click on the create site now link. It is on the top right corner. There you get your options, of first name your website. you will be taken through the steps. Please make sure you use a topic which many people will actually search on the web, the more traffic to your site, the better. For example my site do get alot of traffic, because plenty of people are worried about their health. Health is actually  very important aspect in anyones life, therefore you will find plenty of people searching for the best insurance quotes. 

Now when you have created your website, you need to go back to and to your account, you can even have these 2 sites on different tabs as you work your way through. Now the next step is to go to the the channels link, click on it, and go to the page manage sites, when you have created your site now with lotsa of usefull information, go and add your site. Click ad site, enter the sites name with url. 

When you have done this, and added your site, go and click on the channel link again,. and click on web, there you will find those 5 links boxes on your right hand side, the 1st one which was spoken of earlier. Click on the "get the code", you will see a html code will be given, now thios is the code which you will copy and paste into your html on your website. Now to do this, go to your yola site, and go to settings, you will find on the right courner a HTML block, drag this block to wherever you would like your add to appear, when you drop the html a block will be given, paste your html code in here and say save, save the page and publish it to the web. Wallaa, an advertisment has been placed on your site, now you need as much traffic as possible, go and write blogs and give links to your site, go and write adverts and give links to your site. The more people go and have a look on your site, the better your chances of actually finding interested people in your advertisements. 

The sites I use to drive traffic to my website is


I wish you all the best of luck!  Happy hunting and marketing!