Google adsense was created by Google to publish the millions of adds by people whom sees it necassary for online marketing. But how does it work and how do you make money from it? via an online system? is a very popular question millions of people ask. Many people that creates hubpages and blogs are making money with Google Adsense. Some of these people know why they are actually getting paid and some dont. Adsense is Google's advertising program, for people who wants to make money from Google, or share in their profits by adding little Google ads to their websites. This money is supplied by Googles Adwords campaign, which charges people to pay for each click that was made on their adds, this might range from a few cents to a few Rands. In short Google charges people who wants to advertise, a certain amount of money, and in return Google pay the people adding these advertisements to their website a commission fee. Website owners known as publishers can sign up with Google Adsense free of cost and get to place these ads on their websites. When an ad is clicked on, Google will pay the publisher about half of what the Adwords advertiser is paying to run the ad. Google gets the other half. Now the South African based Addynamo, does exacly the same, the only difference, they are not a search engine.

 I found that Addynamo is way more beginner friendly than Googles Adsense, therefore they are my main priority. Now to explain to you how to open an account at Google Adsense is easy and how to open a money making website, please take note, marketing of your website will be necessary. 

Type into your search engine Google Adsense, you will be asked to sign up and give all your details, also if you would like your earnings to be paid in which manner. After this has been done, you need to get a website up and going, therefore go to Yola free website, find a good name for your website and create it. In a matter of 10 minutes you will have a website on the internet. Now you need to go to your adsense account, go to create new link, follow the steps and at the end state/click on "get code". Now this code you need to copy and paste into your Yola website. Ok how is this done?easy, go and click on your website "open box" will find on your right a box with the letters HTML. Drag this box to wherever you want it to be displayed on your website, as soon as you stop dragging the box and leave the mouse button, the page where you will need to copy this HTML code in, will open up. Paste the code in here. Save and publish to the web. "Wallaaaa" you have your sites 1st money making add. Now you need to get more traffic to your website. You do this by exchanging links, advertising on free online advertising sites and by writing blogs as well.

 Ok now Addynamo is way more beginner friendly, you follow the same steps to create a free website at Yola or any other free website generating site. Then you search Addynamo, you open an account,choose how you want to be paid etc. You opne your channel box, state "new website" and create it. When you finished creating your website, click on create a new channel. You then choose your website which was created. Ok then you will have 4 blocks on your right, as soon as that appears, click on the 1st box, you will see a code coming up, copy and paste it to your site, as in Google Adsense. Publish to the Web, and walaa another money making site!